
To use monogatari in a project:

from monogatari import JMFDCounter

counter = JMFDCounter()

list_of_words = ['私', 'コーヒー', '好き', '友達']

counter.count(list_of_words)  # List top N categories, ordered by number of words

counter.top_normalized(100)  # List top N categories, ordered by number of words normalized by the total number of words

In this example, we are using J-MFD dictionary ( as the base for word counting. However, we can load a custom dictionary using the class `DictCounter`:

from monogatari import DictCounter

counter = DictCounter('/path/to/the/dictionary.dic')

list_of_words = ['私', 'コーヒー', '好き', '友達']

counter.count(list_of_words)  # List top N categories, ordered by number of words

counter.top_normalized(100)  # List top N categories, ordered by number of words normalized by the total number of words

The dictionary file must have the following structure:

Category_key_1   Category_value_1
Category_key_2   Category_value_2
Category_key_3   Category_value_3
Category_key_4   Category_value_4

Word_key_1     Category_key_1  Category_key_2
Word_key_2     Category_key_1
Word_key_3     Category_key_2
Word_key_4     Category_key_1  Category_key_3
Word_key_5     Category_key_1  Category_key_2  Category_key_4
Word_key_6     Category_key_4

Available dictionaries